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A Snow Day

Do you wanna build a snowman?

Last Tuesday was a snow day. We had some snow, and by “some” I mean something around 5 inches. We had no class, and I stayed home getting some rest and doing homework assignments. It was both enjoyable and also helpful for a graduate student like me who is constantly trying to get caught up with the school work. It started snowing on Monday afternoon, and people began to talk about it even before it started. As I watching their reaction about the snow, I was comparing it with the people’s reaction about snow in Syracuse (where I have been for three years before I came here in Williamsburg). In Syracuse, people usually get much more snow, and yet the schools would remain open. I came to the realization that dealing with snow like so many other things in life is absolutely relative.  People might get the same amount of snow, yet they might react completely differently based on what they are used to and what they are not. The snow day was just an example, and I am sure every one of us can find many similar examples of this concept in our daily lives. We all react, think, and feel based on what we are used to and what we think is not “normal.”  Getting to know people’s “normalcy” line would definitely help us understand their reactions more accurately.